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​We offer theoretical and practical training sessions for all our technology platforms.




Introduction to flow cytometry 

A 3-hour workshop containing both theoretical and practical components. The training takes place using one of our multi-laser, multi-parameter, flow cytometers (LSR Fortessa).  The session also covers software use (FACSDiva) and automatic compensation.


Introduction to spectral cytometry 

A 2-hour workshop providing both theory and practical introduction to spectral cytometry. The training takes place using one of our spectral cytometers (Cytek Aurora). The session works best as a continuation of the introduction to flow cytometry course, but can be attended as a stand-alone course if required. 

Spectral panel design and optimisation workshop 

A 3-hour workshop about panel design and panel optimisation. Highly interactive as we will follow a case study with real examples. 

FlowJo workshop 

A 2-hour hands on workshop to learn how to analyse flow cytometry data using FlowJo software.


OMIQ workshop 

A 2-hour hands on workshop to learn how to analyse flow cytometry data using OMIQ software.  

Titration workshop 

A 6-hour workshop to learn how to successfully titrate antibodies. The workshop is divided in three sessions: 1 hour of theory, 3 hours of wet-lab and 2 hours of titrations data analysis and interpretation using FlowJo. 

High-dimensional data analysis workshop 

A 5-hour workshop about understanding and applying high-dimensional data analysis techniques such as dimensionality reduction and clustering algorithms. The workshop has two parts: a 2-hour theoretical session and 2 hours of a hands-on experience.

Batch to batch normalisation workshop 

A 4-hour workshop about how to analyse data from different batches. The workshop has two parts: a 2-hour theoretical session and 2 hours of a hands-on experience using OMIQ software and CytoNorm algorithm.



Histological techniques 

A 2-hour customised histological training according to the needs of the client. We have over a decade of experience in sample preparation including Cryo-sectioning and Formalin Fixed Paraffin embedding tissue (FFPE). We provide training for generic staining such as H&E, AB&PAS, Sirius red and Oil droplets.


Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope FV3000 

A 6-hour training divided in three sessions that provides theory and practical approach of fluorescence microscopy and Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM). The training is based on the use of Olympus FV3000 LSCM. During the training we will cover sample acquisition from two dimensional imaging to more complex recording settings according with the needs of the client. 

Incucyte S3 

A 1-hour training covering the basics of Incucyte S3 acquisition conditions and applications. An image analysis capability available in the equipment will also be covered.

Whole Slide Scanner VS200

A 2-hour training using the last generation Whole Slide Scanner Olympus VS200. This workshop will discuss  several examples of file recording and navigation. Additionally, we will provide with a basic introduction of the QuPath image analysis software.  

Image analysis workshop

A 6-hour hands-on training divided in two sessions about image analysis. During the first session the origin of images and several forms of images collection is discussed. Information for simple images processing and basic image analysis is provided. The second part is about complex image analysis, including videos and histocytometry material.  


Rapid barcoding sequencing 

A 3-session workshop (1 hour per session: instructed guidance, observed supervision, remote support) introducing new users to rapid barcoding sequencing on our MinION sequencing device. Each session builds on the last, allowing you to confidently prepare and sequence your own samples. By the end of this workshop you will understand how to prepare your extracted DNA samples for sequencing, load samples onto a Flongle flow cell, start a sequencing run, and upload data to our Experiment Archive. 


Carpentries instruction 

We have a qualified Carpentries Instructor on our team who can provide support and/or instruction for any of the lessons included on the Carpentries website

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